Quick Blog
May 2018.
Times flown, waters flowed (major flooding inside the store in November 2017) and comics read.
We turned 6 in April. Noice! Hopefully we’ll survive again the loss of traction predicted for the dollar, the major disney owned stores running with the pop culture frenzy and digital comics we’ll make it to year 7.
We had our 12 month review from Workplace Australia – passed with flying colours. Kinda chuffed we’ve grown into a professional employer here at HHQ. We have a lovely team here, losing some sadly and hopefully if things pick up, we can gain another after winter trading.
Keeping up with the new titles flowing out of the States is still a major buzz each month. Gotta love the Standing Order Customers, who are still there on the journey of reading books. We get there in the end. Good team work.
Free Comic Book Day is powering down on us. different format this year. I didn’t order so many as we were left with so many over last year. Plus the cost to bring them in negates the free bit for us. It is nice to have some of the people still around from the 2017 day. Increasing the regulars
Free Comic book day is such a fun day. The challenge is to showcase the comics and separate the movies, Netflix and merchandise out. So many people love the merchandise that is everywhere now that finding the fine line between mass produced for the masses and collectables for the collectors is very, very fine.
The website…its 2 years old now – 3000 comics, a few graphic novels..the new thought is merchandise as that’s what’s being searched the most on it...can’t hide from the data I suppose.
Diversifying to add to the $ trickle...to keep "alice" (aka alive). Workshops, Games nights,market days, costume making, secondhand comics...and the ideas keep coming.
See you on the other side of FCBD.